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为研究绿肥(豌豆)翻压后合理施用肥料问题,采用田间小区试验,在翻压绿肥的基础上通过减少基肥用量和控释肥代替部分基肥,研究其对烟叶产量、产值和土壤肥力的影响。结果表明,绿肥翻压可以提高低有机质土壤(有机质含量<10 g/kg)的有机质含量,对其他土壤化学性质无显著影响;绿肥翻压后将基肥减少15%和30%对烟叶产量、产值无显著影响,对烟叶化学成分无明显影响。在减少15%基肥后,将剩余基肥的50%以控释肥代替,可以显著提高烟叶产量和产值,提高烟叶钾含量和钾/氯比,改善烟叶品质。  相似文献   
为更加科学地开展小麦理论研究和提高育种成效,对‘鲁麦14’的构思设计与创制思路、突出特点和以‘鲁麦14’为亲本选育出的品种进行了系统分析。从2001年到2018年,中国科学院、中国农科院、中国农业大学和山东、江苏、河北、安徽、河南、山西、陕西、新疆、贵州、天津9省1市的89家科研单位和育种企业,以‘鲁麦14’为亲本直接育成品种39个、间接育成品种92个,这些品种通过9省2市166次审(认)定和36次国家审定。‘鲁麦14’作为新一代骨干亲本,为全国的小麦生产和育种工作做出了突出贡献。  相似文献   
中国竹类多样性及其重要价值   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
竹类属于禾本科Gramineae(Poaceae)、竹亚科Bambusoideae植物,全世界约1 500多种。中国竹类的自然分布广阔,横跨热带、亚热带和温带地区,涵盖包括台湾、香港在内的21个有竹子分布的省、自治区、直辖市和特区。中国是世界上竹类多样性最丰富的国家,也是世界上栽培竹类最丰富的国家,共有竹类植物753种(含22种引进种),约占世界总数的50%以上。同时,中国竹类在起源、遗传进化、内部构造、生态及林型等方面均具有十分丰富的多样性。中国竹类从宏观到微观所展现出的多样性特质,是大自然留给人类的宝贵遗产,对于人类认识自然、保护自然、从而更好的利用竹类资源服务于人类的长远利益,具有重要价值。文章从起源、生态、林型、物种、形态、遗传等方面概述了中国竹类的多样性,为进一步探讨竹类多样性提供基础信息。  相似文献   
肖和良 《猪业科学》2020,37(9):134-137
文章论述了"调猪"向"调肉"转变的历史背景,进行了冷却肉代替常温鲜肉的可行性论证,加强对冷却肉营养价值高,口味几乎与常温鲜肉媲美等关于冷却肉的知识宣传,让冷却肉成为肉类消费主流产品,是破解"调猪"向"调肉"困境的主要方法。尖锐指出目前排名前十的猪企纷纷布局的,大城市大型屠宰和肉联厂项目,是走"调猪"的老路和死胡同,会造成极大的资源浪费。提出在生猪主产区建立肉联厂,充分利用和整合现有肉联厂资源,配齐官方兽医,加强产地检疫和屠宰检疫,加快非洲猪瘟快速检测试纸的研发,加强冷却肉加工、质量控制技术研究和国家标准的制订,中国肉类加工企业协会,承接国家主管部门移交的肉类加工社会管理职能等建议,供同行参考。  相似文献   
河南省农业水资源脆弱性时空特征及障碍度诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从自然脆弱性、人为脆弱性和承载力脆弱性3个层面构建农业水资源脆弱性评价体系,运用熵值法和线性加权综合法测算了2001—2016年河南省农业水资源脆弱性,并利用障碍度模型分析了影响脆弱性的主要障碍因子。结果表明:2001—2016年河南省郑州等9市农业水资源脆弱性呈减小态势,开封等9市呈增大态势,脆弱性增速差异显著;脆弱性演变趋势可分为先升后降、先降后升、波动上升和波动下降4种类型;河南省农业水资源脆弱性空间分布集聚特征明显,脆弱度排序为豫北豫东豫南豫中豫西;河南省农业水资源脆弱性主要受到人为脆弱性和承载力脆弱性的影响,且主要障碍因子存在差异。因此,应积极加强对水资源系统人为干预,通过加大农业资金投入、优化农田水利建设水平、提高农业用水效率等,以实现河南省农业生产与水资源利用协调发展。  相似文献   
以商贸流通对于沿海农业经济增长的问题为研究对象,实证研究结果表明,商贸流通对于农业经济总产值和农业人均可支配收入均具有促进作用.总体而言,商贸流通行业总产值对农业人均可支配收入影响的强度较对农业经济总产值的影响更显著,从而从实证研究角度证明商贸流通有利于沿海经济的增长.提出了应创新商贸流通农业经济运作模式,优化商贸流通农业经济发展环境,加强商贸流通农业经济人才培养,推动商贸流通农业冷链物流发展,构建商贸流通农业经济产业联盟等促进农业经济发展的对策.  相似文献   
采取实地调查、采集标本、影像资料、专家鉴定和分类统计等方法对方城县野生木本植物资源进行调查。结果表明:方城县共有野生木本植物60科137属236种,其中裸子植物4科6属7种,被子植物56科131属229种;优势科有蔷薇科等13个科,含66属145种,优势属有悬钩子属等13个属,含65种;野生木本植物中有乔木121种、灌木85种、藤本25种、竹类5种;国家重点保护、珍稀濒危和省级重点保护植物共有18种。  相似文献   
Demand for livestock food products is projected to increase dramatically through to 2050. Increased livestock production capacity on marginal lands will be critical to meeting this demand. A 5‐year research effort was undertaken to evaluate lamb and sward productivity within open and hardwood silvopasture (SP) systems in Appalachia, USA. Grazing began in mid to late April each year, with the grazing season averaging 141 d. Grazing system treatments during 2002 and 2003 grazing seasons were as follows: 100% open pasture (OP), 67% OP and 33% SP, and 67% OP and 33% SP with delayed SP grazing initiation (OSD). In 2004, a 100% SP (SP) system was added. Animals were rotationally stocked through either 6 (2002–2004) or 7 (2005–2006) paddocks. Open pasture produced greater (P < 0·001) grazing season herbage yield, while all systems generated similar animal performance. Based on summer solstice, herbage production in spring was greater (P < 0·001) than summer, except in 2003. Total non‐structural carbohydrate (TNC) content was greater (P < 0·05) in spring than in summer, except in 2004. Animal performance was superior in spring versus summer (P < 0·001). Animal plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) was lower (P < 0·05) for OP in 2003. When PUN was correlated with nutritive value indicators, the ratio of TNC to crude protein (CP) had the strongest correlation. The strong correlation indicates the need for synchronized ruminal energy and CP availability. Development of silvopasture from existing woodlots has potential to improve whole farm productivity on marginal lands.  相似文献   
Recreational fishing is a popular sport and leisure activity in many countries worldwide. There has been growing interest by recreational fishing groups and researchers in the perceived physical and psychological health and social (or ‘biopsychosocial’) benefits of recreational fishing. However, quantifying the key subjective ‘human dimensions’ of fishing that satisfy both the needs of recreational fishing groups and fishery managers is a major obstacle. We propose the use of psychometrically valid health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) measures widely used in the medical and health sciences – namely the Short‐Form Health Survey (SF‐36) – as rapid, reliable and cost‐effective instruments for quantifying HRQOL of recreational fishers. The widespread use of SF‐36 and availability of population normative data allows comparisons of the HRQOL of recreational fishers across multiple temporal and spatial scales, with participants of other activities, and the general population. The use of such measures in periodic surveys allows the biopsychosocial status of a recreational fishery's participants to be assessed using a modified Kobe plot, a graphical format that is easily interpretable and consistent with existing reporting formats used in fisheries stock assessment. Future biopsychosocial research in recreational fisheries can further benefit from interdisciplinary collaboration to develop a suite of standardized psychometrically valid and reliable instruments for assessing specific issues that commonly affect recreational fisheries from regional to international scales, such as drivers of fisher motivation, behaviour and satisfaction.  相似文献   
根据2015年寻甸县森林资源规划设计调查结果,对森林资源数量、质量和结构等因子进行了对比分析。结果表明,全县森林资源具有以下特点:林地面积大、公益林比例高、天然林为主、龄组结构渐趋合理、混交林比例偏低、经济林以核桃、板栗为主。据此,提出了增绿、增质和增效的林业发展建议。  相似文献   
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